• Hello world!

    Hello and welcome readers to my humble corner of the internet. I’m Bri, just your average 30-year-old, with a not-so-average story to tell. My journey over the last 3 years has been anything but ordinary. Now that I finally have a little more free time I thought I’d start a blog. I have spent the last 3.5 years sharing my journey online via social media, which has been a great outlet, and an amazing opportunity to connect with others facing similar challenges. However, those platforms are more of a highlight reel, often leaving out the messy parts. This will be…

  • Blog 2. Four Seconds

    Time. I never thought too much about it until it consumed me. Everyone always says they want more of it, they want to go back in time or even stop it. However, most people don’t have to think about what 4 seconds could do to you. How 4 measly seconds could mean any amount of importance in anyone’s life. You can’t do many life-altering things in 4 seconds; you can’t do much of anything. You can’t write an award-winning book, you can’t cook a full meal, get a college degree, hell, you can’t even get a good kiss in 4…

  • Blog 1. The Trauma

    Where it all began. The car accident will be broken down into a few posts; there is so much to talk about and I don’t want it to be too overwhelming or too long of a read. I also did this for myself because no matter how many times I tell this story, it still wearies my soul. They say everything happens for a reason, and I do believe that. Every action has a reaction, and the universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in is always sending us signs along the way to keep us safe or guide…